Welcome to McDonald Presbyterian Church

Welcome!  We are a mid-sized congregation located in McDonald, PA that exists to honor God by making more disciples for Jesus Christ.  Our worship, service and outreach are all focused on helping others experience the love of God and the joy that comes from knowing him.  We love what we do and the community of people that we are together.  Our door is always open and we look forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our fellowship.

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Worship with Us


Attend Worship with us at

10:45 a.m. in Calvary Center or from wherever you are at: www.facebook.com/mcdonaldpres

* Summer Worship Begins at 10:00 a.m. from June 2-September 1.

Come and celebrate all the goodness of the Lord Jesus who is full of grace and mercy!


Sunday School is on break for the summer and will resume on September 8th at 9:30 a.m.

McFall Fest 2024

We hope you can join us on Saturday, October 12, 2024, as we celebrate our 10th year of McFall Fest! 

If you wish to volunteer to help, please call the church office at 724-926-8561.

McFall Fest Vendor/ Crafter Info.

This year vendors will be given a 12x12 space to set up their own tent & booth. Grant St. can hold as many as 20 booths and they will be positioned on the south side of the street only. The donation of a $25-50 raffle item for our Basket Raffle is the only requirement to secure your spot. Please drop item off at the church office no later than Thursday, October 10. Vendors are responsible for bringing their own tents, tables, & chairs. Electricity is available. Please bring your own extension cord.  Please advertise your participation in the McFall Fest on your social media page leading up to the event and tag McDonald Presbyterian Church. Priority locations will be given to the earliest applicants. 

Questions: Contact the Church Office at 724-926-8561 or office@mcdonaldpres.org

All proceeds benefit the various missions of MPC Church.


Church Newsletter

Ten times a year our congregation publishes a newsletter that contains relevant information regarding special activities, Sunday School, Life Groups, Choir Schedules, and more.  

Download our latest newsletter by clicking below.

SEPTEMBER 2024 Newsletter

Worship Broadcasts

All of our Sunday services are now available online at: www.facebook.com/mcdonaldpres

Please share and comment on services and messages that are a blessing to you.  Pre Covid 19 sermons may be found on our audio archives located here.

Focused on Children and Youth

From our Sunday School Program that meets during the school year to numerous special events there is always something happening at MPC for our Children.  We have reNEW Wednesday nights for Students in 5th grade and above and other special activities for our Junior and Senior High students.  Little ones have nursery care on Sunday Mornings and Children's Church for kids age 4-third grade.  We seek to invest heavily in the lives of our children and love seeing them develop into young men and women who love the Lord with all of their heart.

What We Believe

  • We believe that life is lived best in the context of a Church family that loves Jesus.
  • We believe that no one should be alone in this world and that we exist to serve and bless one another.
  • We believe that salvation through Jesus Christ is the one and only way to truly know God and to be accepted by him.
  • We believe that children should be taught the faith of Jesus Christ in a dynamic and fun setting so that they have every opportunity to thrive and be spiritually healthy throughout their lives. 
  • We believe that no person regardless of their circumstances has fallen so far from God that they cannot find peace with him.
  • We believe in the evangelical and reformed doctrines of our denomination as expressed in the Essential Tenets of the ECO.

A Heart for Service

Our church family takes the great commandments of Jesus to heart as we seek to love the Lord our God with all of our hearts and to live that out by loving our neighbors as ourselves.  Our church calendar is filled with mission projects and opportunities that everyone can get involved in.  Learn more about them here.

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...